Buffalo Soldiers Fight Fires and Stereotypes, The Big Burn

Buffalo Soldiers Fight Fires and Stereotypes, The Big Burn
PBS Learning Media
Date Created:
A video on the role of the Buffalo Soldiers in the Great Fire of 1910. Video description: "Discover how a group of African American soldiers helped change attitudes about race as a result of their heroic peacetime service fighting a 1910 wildfire, in this video adapted from AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: The Big Burn. After a violent electrical storm ignited nearly 1,000 fires across the drought-stricken Northern Rockies in 1910, the federal government sent troops to fight them, including men from the 25th Infantry, known as the Buffalo Soldiers, the first division of African Americans to serve as professional peacetime soldiers. Despite their inexperience fighting fires, and in the face of local racist sentiment, these African Americans evacuated and later saved the town of Avery, halting the advance of a fire that threatened to destroy it and winning over the local population" (PBS Learning Media).
U.S. History Collection, PBS Learning Media (video adapted from AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: The Big Burn)
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Reference Link

"Buffalo Soldiers Fight Fires and Stereotypes, The Big Burn", Fire Lines, Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL), University of Idaho Library, https://cdil.lib.uidaho.edu/fire-lines/items/im-43.html