
Mr. Frank. Senators, I'd like to thank you for providing this op portunity to express my views on the issue of Idaho wilderness clas sification. First, the four proposals outlined in Senator McClure's mailing. I prefer Proposal 4. Furthermore, I endorse the protection of the endangered Idaho wilderness core sponsored by the Audubon Society, ICL and other. As a point of departure, I believe wilderness greatly enhances the quality of life in Idaho for very many of us. Not only for those of use who actually can visit the lands, but also for many others who appreciate the protection of these lands vicariously. Just knowing they're there is part of what makes Idaho so special. As Idaho continues to grow and as outdoor recreation becomes ever more popular, I believe it is essential to bring greater amounts of land within the wilderness system to prevent the overuse and deterioration of existing wilderness. I especially believe wilderness classifications near Bosie are essential for this purpose. Furthermore, I would urge Senator McClure to include a provi sion to allow further review of lands not included in legislation pre pared at this time. Because the resource extraction industries seem not to have the problem of too little land available to them, but rather too much land already leased, there seems to be no gain by making irreversible choices today, especially since waiting 15 years could provide us with important information about the timber in dustry and the recreational demands of this State. In closing, I would urge Senators McClure and Symms to appre ciate the importance of wilderness to the quality of life of many of us in this State. Thank you.

Reference Link

"Frank, John E.", Idaho Wilderness Hearings, Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL), University of Idaho Library,