
Ms. Jose. My name is Julia Jose. I represent a family of four. I am a Boise resident. I wish to commend the timber industry and all of you for longrange planning and I believe that the timber industry should plan on having about half of the remaining wilderness area in Idaho. Therefore, I also support the conservationists' proposal for the endangered wilderness core areas. Specifically, an area that is not listed in the endangered wilder ness core areas is the Breadwinner area. And I have personally vis ited that with my family and enjoyed it very much. We visited it in the springtime when the creek was very high and it presented quite a challenge. The trail crosses the creek at several places and our whole family needed to cooperate and we got a sense of chal lenge and daring in crossing that creek even though it was a rela tively small one. We have two teenage children who came back from that trip with a feeling of accomplishment and excitement and feeling for what their ancestors must have gone through in settling this coun try. We met a variety of wildlife and also some cattle so that that area is multiple use. I feel that wilderness is definitely multiple use. Thank you.

Reference Link

"Jose, Julia H.", Idaho Wilderness Hearings, Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL), University of Idaho Library,