
Mr. Peterson. My name is Dan Peterson. I live in Boise, Idaho. Senator, it is extremely difficult to tell someone what you feel in your heart even if you have all the time in the world. And straight facts often have to stand simply stated. I'm in full support of protection for the endangered wilderness core. I would strongly oppose any hard release language that you might use in your wilderness bill, and I also urge that a nonmining 145 clause be an important part of any legislation concerning the White Clouds. I'm from a small town in northern Idaho, but I have lived and worked in Boise for about the last 15 years. And this city gives me plenty of what I need to quench my city thirst. This is a city in which one of American's greatest and oldest ideals abounds. Free enterprise, the right to pursue the buck. This thrives here. This is good. But there is something more, something older, something that was old when free enterprise was new, something that was old when roads were new. That is our right to explore, discover, and experience the wilderness. The wilderness is our grandfather. I honor this. In Boise we have within remarkably easy reach the truth of two of Thomas Jefferson's greatest dreams. We have free enterprise and we have the natural spirit of discovery: the wilderness. As it stands today, every summer tens of thousands of people pour into the Sawtooth National Wilderness Area. As a result, the beautiful mountains are endangered even as they are protected. I begrudge no one for traveling there. I want it noted, however, that there are areas close to Boise that few people and less roads have ever penetrated. The areas of Breadwinner to the Trinities down to the Danskin, up to Steel Mountain, and east to the south Boise-Yuba River area contain un known and extremely varied country. Inclusion of these often steep and rugged areas to Idaho's wilderness lands are strongly urged. And I would like to say in conclusion, Senator, that if it's not broken, don't fix it. And as my grandfather told me when I was a child, measure twice and saw once. Thank you.

Reference Link

"Peterson, Dan A.", Idaho Wilderness Hearings, Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL), University of Idaho Library,