
Mr. Roth. My name is Charles Roth and I have come here today to tell you why I moved to the great State of Iowa. I was born and raised in a small industrial community in the cement belt of eastern Pennsylvania. I have witnessed what the in sidious encroachment of man has done to the forest, air, water, and wildlife of Pennsylvania. I began an intensive study of the Rocky Mountain States in an effort to determine what States contain the most unspoiled acreage and found Idaho suited that description. Its vast expansion of the national forests and roadless wilderness abounds with a wide variety of wildlife, scenic beauty, and quality of life found in few other places in the lower 48 States. In contrast, Pennsylvania with slightly over 1 million acres of national forest land and absolutely no wilderness areas, leaves wildlife species little room for propagation. Wildlife is forced to coexist with man or face extinction as wit nessed by the black bear whose numbers have diminished so drasti cally that the day is not too far distant when hunting black bear will be prohibited so that it will not follow the eastern elk or the woods bison into extinction. I therefore urge Senator McClure to include in his bill, in your legislation, the entire endangered wildlife wilderness core. I further urge the Senator that at least 40 percent of the 6.5 mil lion acres of roadless forestland be protected in your bill and that the bill be considered completely on its own and not in connection with any other bill affecting any other State or cause. I have been a resident of Idaho for 7 years and I volunteered to testify today simply because I want you to know how a former Pennsylvanian feels about his adopted State. Thank you very much.

Reference Link

"Roth, Charles A., II", Idaho Wilderness Hearings, Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL), University of Idaho Library,