
Mr. Sheroke. My name is Charles Sheroke. And I'm an attorney here in Coeur d’Alene. I'm speaking on my own behalf. I think the whole premise of this hearing is rather condiluted. Instead of justifying wilderness designations, which in effect amount to leaving undesecrated what God created, we should be addressing here is we have wilderness. Why should it be descreated by the multiple use activities of the large corporate timber interests and the large corporate mining interests? In effect, what this hearing amounts to is an attempt by you, Senator, to give some semblance of credibility and legitimacy to forthcoming legislation which will inevitably favor the extracted and destructed corporate interests. I know that in your breeder reactor heart y>u have little concern for God’s creation and man's last refuge from an intrusive Federal Government wilderness. Environmentalists or caretakers of the Earth must unfortunately take what you give us what little it may be. But I want you to know. Senator, that you will be held responsible for the further desecration of our public lands. Thank you.

Reference Link

"Sheroke, Charles", Idaho Wilderness Hearings, Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL), University of Idaho Library,