
Ms Summer. I'm Laura Summer and I'm a property owner in Bonner County. I've come unprepared today. But I definitely support the 6.5 million acres of wilderness area. I don't think this country does need more timber. From what I understand, there is a 5-year backlog of timber sales waiting right now to be cut. So I don't think that—timber is just an excuse for passing this. I don't think it's a necessary economic boost for this area. In fact, it remined me of a science fiction story where I read once where people were grappling for the last piece of land. And I think if we look at the situation in truly long-term range, I think that timber as an economic basis for Idaho is a dwindling hope. Every day we see being developed construction and furniture and buildings. It's going to end one day. And I think that Idaho should be looking for a different economic face. And while I'm not in economic—I mean, environmental purist, I don't like tourism any better. But of the two, I think it's the least evil. And I'd like to see Idaho base its economy on tourism. Because of the lower 48 States, we have more wilderness and more recreation to offer than any other. And I think that's what is going to bring us the money in the future. And so I'd just like to say I also support the soft release language. Thank you for letting me testify.

Reference Link

"Summer, Laura", Idaho Wilderness Hearings, Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL), University of Idaho Library,