Below is a list of articles, workshops, and presentations related to work done at the CDIL.
Exploring Static Web in the Digital Humanities Classroom: The Learn-Static Initiative
4(2) 2024
The Static Advantage: Increased Agility and Sustainability of Static-Web-Driven Development for Digital Humanities Projects
*Routledge Companion to Libraries, Archives, and the Digital Humanities*
Developing Interactive and Open Source OER: Integrated Musicianship
Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH)
Listening at a Distance: Reading the Sound World of Gothic Literature with Topic Modeling and Text Analysis
Digital Studies/le Champ Numérique
Programming Poetry: Using a Poem Printer and Web Programming to Build Vandal Poem of the Day
Code4Lib Journal (C4LJ)
Introduction to CollectionBuilder-SHEETS
Creating Digital Collections with Minimal Infrastructure: Hands On With CollectionBuilder for Teaching and Exhibits
Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI)
Get Git! Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub
Library Workshop Series
Get Started with OpenRefine: Explore, Clean, and Transform your Data
Library Workshop Series
Creating Digital Collections with Minimal Infrastructure: Hands On With CollectionBuilder for Teaching and Exhibits
Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI)
CollectionBuilder: A Static Web Approach to Digital Projects in Libraries
ALA Core Classroom
Go-Go GH-Pages: Introduction to Creating Websites with GitHub Pages and Jekyll
Library Workshop Series
Creating Digital Collections with Minimal Infrastructure: Hands On with CollectionBuilder for Teaching and Exhibits
ADHO DH2020 Pre-Conference, Ottawa, ON
A Static Web Approach to Digital Collections: Hands-On with CollectionBuilder
Code4Lib, Pittsburgh, PA
March 2020
Palouse Digital Scholarship Symposium
WSU Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation and U of I Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning
GitHub-Pages CollectionBuilder: Teaching & Building Digital Library Collections using Minimal Computing Techniques
Digital Library Federation Forum, Las Vegas, NV
CollectionBuilder: A Sustainable Approach for Creating Digital Collections and Unique Exhibits
Northwest Archivists Annual
Growing CollectionBuilder: Building Community and Collaborations with an Open Source Digital Exhibit Framework
Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting
Using Static Web Methodology as a Sustainable Approach to Digital Humanities Projects
Invited panel presentation for "The Politics of Digital Humanities Infrastructure" at Association for Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Digital Humanities Conference 2022
Learn-STATIC: Building Fundamental Digital Skills in the Humanities Classroom
Association for Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Digital Humanities Conference 2022
Exploring static web in the Digital Humanities classroom: The Learn-Static initiative
Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2022: Open/Social/Digital Humanities Pedagogy, Training, and Mentorship Conference
Learn-Static: Expanding the Potential of Digital Humanities Pedagogy With Static Web Technologies
Global Digital Humanities Symposium
Innovative Digital Humanities Pedagogy With Static Web Technologies
Online Northwest Conference
Digital Library of Idaho
Idaho Library Association Annual Conference
March 2021
Confessions of a Static Web Convert
Digital Scholarship Working Group of the Digital Library Federation
CollectionBuilder: Developing an Agile Approach to Digital Collections
Info2Go!, Idaho Commission for Libraries
Digital Aladore: Reflecting on Five Years of a DH Learning Project
Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium
Breaking Boundaries with CollectionBuilder: Iterative Digital Collection Software Development with Partners
Digital Library Federation Forum
Digital Collection Magic with Static Web Technologies: Improving CONTENTdm Front Ends using CollectionBuilder
Learn@DLF, Tampa, FL
October 2019
Metadata + APIs → Beauty: Building Engaging Digital Repository Skins With Static Web Tools
Library Federation Forum, Tampa, FL
Building Digital Collections with Minimal Infrastructure: Hands On with CollectionBuilder for Teaching and Exhibits
Pacific Northwest Library Association, Spokane, WA
August 2019
CollectionBuilder: Creating & Teaching Digital Collections with Minimal Infrastructure
ASIS&T Webinar Series
October 2018
Open Educational Resources on GitHub: What, Why, & How
Idaho Library Association Annual Conference, Moscow, ID
October 2018
CTRL+SHIFT: Writing and Coding Practices in the Digital Era
Malcolm M. Renfrew Interdisciplinary Colloquium, Moscow, ID
Devin Becker Renae Campbell Denessy Rodriguez Corey Oglesby Lauren Westerfield
September 2018
Adapting Technology for Teaching: The Creation of an Open Educational Resource
Malcolm M. Renfrew Interdisciplinary Colloquium
September 2018
Developing Interactive and Open-Source OER: Inquiry-Based Music Theory
Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium
CTRL-Shift: Prominent Poets on their Writing Practices at the Dawn of Personal Computing
Montana Book Festival, Missoula, MT
September 2017