Digital Scholarship Fellowship Application Instructions

To apply for the CDIL Digital Scholarship Fellowship, please submit a PDF or Word file to Devin Becker (, including the following:

Please feel free to contact staff members at the CDIL if you would like to discuss potential projects that might be supported with this fellowship.

1) Title page

Please use the title page provided here, filling out your own name and rank, and including signatures from yourself and your chair or director.

NOTE: Applications are required to have signatures from the Chair of the applicant’s department in order to qualify for the fellowship.

2) Proposed research agenda

In 1-2 pages, please summarize your proposed digital scholarship project. Please indicate the current state of your research, the types of technologies and technical expertise you will need, and project how you envision the project will be designed and delivered, noting any opportunities for future publications resulting from the project and/or grants you might seek to support the project.

3) Curriculum vitae

No page limit. Attach with the application materials listed above or send as a separate document.